We have all seen the devastation caused by “Super-Storm” Sandy. It is a challenge for us to deal with the aftermath; imagine how hard it is for a cat, dog, or gerbil. Would you be ready if you had to evacuate? Here are some suggestions-hopefully you will never have to use them.
- Have a copy of your pets vaccination history and any current medical information in a safe, easily accessible place in your home.
- Make sure your pets have some type of id(collar,tags, microchip)
- Have a 4-5 day supply of food (pop tops if using canned) and water available (Replace every few months)
- Have extra leashes, litter and litter boxes (disposable aluminum baking pans work well)
- Make sure you know where your cages/crates are located and that they are in working order.
- Towels/blankets can be used to pick up a frightened pet or cover a cage.
- Bring a few toys/treats to help your pets adjust.
- If you need to be evacuated to a shelter, The RI Veterinary Medical Association has a Disaster Preparedness Team. It is a group of veterinarians, technicians, and trained staff members who are available to care for pets while they are housed in the shelter.