The Wildlife Rehabilitator’s Association of RI is a  group of volunteers and veterinary professionals dedicated to helping injured and orphaned reptiles, birds, and other members of our “wild” community. They not only care and rehab animals brought to them, but also make public speaking appearances in an effort to educate the public. Although regulated by the government, the Association depends on grants, private donations, and fund raisers in order to provide quality services. Located in North Kingstown, the staff would love to raise enough money to open a full time wildlife veterinary hospital and also an area where rehabbed animals that are not strong enough to be returned to the wild can life in a natural, secure space.

In an effort to achieve that, the Association is trying to raise money by creating a license plate. You would retain your current license numer or vanity plate, but the background would be the one designed by the Association. They must receive 900 prepaid orders in order for it become a reality. The cost of each plate is $41.50. Show your support and check it out at the Association’s website: