Having a pet is a great responsibility, both financially and emotionally. Just as many families have emergency evacuation plans  We are getting close to hurricane season-what would you do if there was an alert from the National Weather Bureau? If you needed to evacuate, what would you do with your dog? Could you pack up your cat(s) in a matter of minutes. If the fire alarms went off in the middle of the night, what would you do?.

1. Make sure your pets have ID-microchips or collars with tags.

2. Have your pet carriers in an easy access location.

3. Do you have plenty of food, water, and litter available in case of a power outage?

4. Do you know where the closest animal shelter/boarding facility is located?


The Department of Homeland Security has a great website that goes into great detail about emergency preparedness. For more info go to: https://www.ready.gov/animals.