Right on the heels of Judy Colan’s Brittany winning the Top 20 in Georgia last week, Dr. Nelson’s Norfolk Terrier, Simon Shoestring, completed the requirements for AKC championship this weekend in Maryland at the Old Dominion Kennel Club of Northern...

Goodbye, My Friend

2010 started out as a bad year. I found myself having emergency surgery at midnight one Saturday, due to a  life threatening injury. I sprung myself from the hospital early, yet was dreading my recuperation at home, with a dog and 5 cats to care for. During my second...

What is Lyme disease?

This column was written by our guest columnist, Sarah Sheckels, DVM Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by Borrelia burgdorfei; spread when a tick ingests blood from an infected animal, drops off. then bites a new host; regurgitating blood from the previous...