Egg on SidewalkWe’ve finally hit a stretch of good weather and are greeting our old friends(?)-heat and humidity. With the blue skies and warmer temperatures, come a few reminders.

Walk your dog early in the morning and after the sun goes down. Remember that black asphalt absorbs heat. Air temps in the mid 70’s can cause surface asphalt temps to rise to over 120 degrees. And although some of our canine friends may need a confidence boost, fire walking is not the way to go. If you can hold your hand against the pavement for 7 seconds, and not feel discomfort, your pet should be able to safely walk on it. Keep in mind, there are other factors involved-if it is the first time your pet has gone for an extended walk outside, he or she may not have enough callus to prevent burns on their pads. It takes several hours for sidewalks to cool after a drop in the air temp, BE PATIENT!

Remember how quickly a car can heat up-if parked in the sun, even light colored leather seats can reach temps over 130 degrees. Always have a sheet or blanket ready to cover the seats before inviting your canine companion to go for a ride.

Put an extra water bowl out before leaving for work, make sure to wash them each day to reduce bacterial build up. Cats are particularly fussy about their water (actually, they are pretty fussy about everything) and do extremely well with circulating drinking fountains. If you do find it necessary to be outside with your dog, always pack extra water, for both of you. Remember our pink skinned light coated friends can experience sunburn. There are pet safe sun screen available for extra protection.


Have fun, stay cool, be safe.