

Did you know, statistically, that black colored dogs are the last to be adopted and, consequently, experience an unusually high euthanasia rate? No one knows exactly why (perhaps it’s the color black being associated with evil?) yet one man is trying to bring attention to this issue.

Fred Levy sought out owners of black dogs and asked them to submit their stories, describing why their dog was special. Hundreds of people responded and one of our GVVC family members was chosen. Deanna’s black German Shepherd Kendra was a very special dog. Even though we only got to know her during the latter stages of her life, it was evident to all that Kendra and Deanna had a very special bond. Here is an excerpt from “The Black Dogs Project”

Kendra, German Shepherd
I sought Kendra out for temperament and look. I do love black dogs, she is my third.
She picked me out. When I went to visit a breeder to look at a litter of puppies, she locked those eyes on me and “the rest was history.” She never took her eyes off me until she was in my arms and ready to go home a few hours later.
Being a large black dog, people are always intimidated by Kendra. Her intent look seems to go right through you. Kendra is not just a tough face either; she was a blood donation dog for over 5 years. She’s not just my hero, She has saved many lives.
Kendra instantly became a part of my family and leaves her mark on everyone she encounters. She protects my family constantly. She keeps my mind at ease when I am working and have to leave my daughters at home. I never worry about anyone entering the house with her around!

She is a kind and gentle soul, unwavering and strong, and she forever changed who I am and how I see the world. I am eternally grateful.

—Deanna , CVT
Kendra bravely and without complaint fought aggressive cancer for 2 years.  She never once wavered in her devotion or protection. Her strength and grace in the face of terminal illness continues to be a source of inspiration to all those who knew her well.
She was halfway into her disease at the time of this photo shoot.


“The Black Dogs Project” is available at Amazon and other  large bookstores.