A recent New York Times article points out the prevalance of a parasite that can cause a multitude of issues in people. Toxocara Canis and Toxocara Cati are shed by infected animals through their feces. They can be very prevalent in playgrounds and other areas that children frequent. The eggs find their way into childrens’ mouths, travel through the body, hatch, and target organs such as the liver, eyes, and brain. Therefore, keeping your pets healthy is an excellent way to keep this from happening. This is why we emphasize using monthly heartworm preventives. They protect pets from heartworm disease but also aid in preventing intestinal parasites, including the Toxocara species mentioned earlier. Potting soil can also be a source for roundworm eggs, so wear gloves and wash hands after use. Another simple tool in prevention is picking up your pets’ waste promptly. If your cat is an outdoor cat, use a monthly wormer. These simple things go a long way in keeping your entire family healthy.